Our commitment to achieving sustainability

Through our business activities, we will contribute to the co-creation of a prosperous future that prioritizes the environment and local communities.

Industry-academia collaboration and new technology

In order to give birth to high-performance, high-quality products, we will continue to take on the challenge of creating new value through industry-academia-government collaboration including universities and partner companies, while maintaining our integrated production system. We will consider in-house development of an autonomous lawn mower equipped with I-GINS based on a miniature motor. Through this development, we will contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions.


We will contribute to the realization of a sustainable recycling society by achieving year-on-year reduction of paper usage in conjunction with paperless operations and of energy consumption, reducing and replacing packaging materials, and reusing resources which are generated in the manufacturing process.

Rewarding jobs and health

In order to achieve work-life balance and improve productivity, we will develop a flexible work system including telecommuting and side jobs, and we also create a system which enables us to provide meticulous care for the health of our employees.

Community and social contribution

In the Sports Business, we will contribute to the popularization of “enjoyable golf” through factory tours for students, sponsorship and holding of golf-related events, and support activities for student golfers.


We will strive to improve the workplace environment and solve problems to realize a good balance between family and work. Furthermore, we will build an environment in which everyone, including women and people with diverse backgrounds, can work comfortably. We will increase the percentage of foreign employees, mid-career hires, and women in managerial and professional positions.


Through investment in the Solar Power Energy Generation Business, we will contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society, the one everyone in the world is aiming for. We will reduce CO2 emissions from energy use. In March 2016, Mamiya-OP launched the Solar Power Energy Generation Business with partner companies as a starting point of our efforts toward renewable energy, and the business came into full operation in August 2021. The business contributes significantly to our group as a source of stable revenue while backing up our group’s SDGs initiatives.